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Showing posts from August, 2015

Book Review: Two, Pictures of Lily

Book Review: Two A few months later and I have another book to review. So here we go! Book Review: Two Name: Pictures of Lily Author: Paige Toon Month Read: August  Rating: 8.5/10 Pictures of Lily by Paige Toon I ordered this book with four other books with the intention of reading them on Holiday because I was travelling Italy but I felt the need to read it straight away. I finished the book in 3 days. The ratings lower than my last one because I feel like some of the information in the book is pointless but I still loved this book I just prefer the other one but lets get into it! I love the fact the book begins with present but only one paragraph and then does the "10 years later". you immediately love the characters and can relate to them whether you know someone like them or if your like them. Like I said in my last review there's for types of characters that helps a book succeeded.The ones you love, the ones you hate, the ones you love to...