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Book Review: Two, Pictures of Lily

Book Review: Two

A few months later and I have another book to review. So here we go!

Book Review: Two

Name: Pictures of Lily

Author: Paige Toon

Month Read: August 

Rating: 8.5/10

Pictures of Lily by Paige Toon

I ordered this book with four other books with the intention of reading them on Holiday because I was travelling Italy but I felt the need to read it straight away. I finished the book in 3 days. The ratings lower than my last one because I feel like some of the information in the book is pointless but I still loved this book I just prefer the other one but lets get into it!

I love the fact the book begins with present but only one paragraph and then does the "10 years later". you immediately love the characters and can relate to them whether you know someone like them or if your like them. Like I said in my last review there's for types of characters that helps a book succeeded.The ones you love, the ones you hate, the ones you love to hate and ones you hate to love.

Lily: I love her especially during her teenage years I think I probably have the same sort of temper I will keep it to my self and then just take it out on one person who maybe doesn't deserve it and when she's an adult she's living a life maybe she isn't extremely happy with and I just love watching her grow and peruse what she wants even though people are dragging her back!

Ben: I LOVE BEN! Ben just is a good guy his lovely he has everyone else's interest's in mind and he thinks about what's better for others rather than what he wants and what he thinks is better for him. I love Ben's morals I love how even when Lily tells him what's going on in her life he doesn't get angry or anything, his upset but doesn't give up.

Richard: I hate Richard. I'm not to sure what others think of him but I think his extremely selfish. He doesn't know everything about Lily but he loves to pretend he does and tells her what she does and doesn't enjoy. Even if she didn't have these interests before him people change and other people have to just go with it if you love them you have to at least show some interests in what their doing rather than what your doing.

Josh: I  hate to love Josh because at the beginning when he was stubborn  and didn't treat girls right. The fact that when he finds someone he loves he changes for the best. I love seeing him really go from being a boy to man. He really cares about Lily even though they are never are related he really does protect her and care for her,

Cindy: With Cindy I don't hate and I don't love her I think she makes some stupid choices later on in the book and she's not the best mum in the world but she towards the end of the book becomes more mumsy if that make sense. 

Nicola: I love her sense of a free spirit the fact she really does care about her colleagues. She really doesn't care what people think she's definitely boy crazy and I think she better friend than what Lily classify's as her best friends. 

Mel: She's not a massive character and I love that through the hardest time she really there for Lily and knows when Lily's up and when Lily's down and she genuinely is a good friend and I'm glad she finds love and lives the life she wanted.

Nathan: Nathan's a good guy and is through it all still decent to Lily and doesn't treat her like she's just an accessory to their group of their friends and when he realises Lily's not coming back he really does what the best for her and her future. 

Lucy:I hate her she's the character I hate. I don't want to explain her that's how much I don't like her. Friend's stick together and girls stick together. The fact that she feels like she can't be friends with two people infuriates me. She can't force Lily to do what she deems as the "wrong" thing when she has done the exact same thing!

Michael: He really is a great father figure to Lily when Lily's Dad is a 24 hour flight away and he really helps Lily find herself and what Lily loves to do. If he hadn't taken her to work that day her life could be so different and Michael really is a great guy and Cindy treated him so wrong and I glad he found true love.

Her Dad: I don't believe he has a name if he does I can't remember. When the book started I felt like I shouldn't like him but I did and then I realised when he like has "words" in the book he genuinely is a good guy and Cindy shouldn't have used him the way she did but his a good dad to Lily and he really wants her to be happy.

I spent most of a day cooped up in my room reading this book and I felt even though the book was predictable I still wanted to see if she in my eyes would make the "right" decision. I do feel like there was pointless information and pointless characters like Marco. However I enjoyed this book and if you like books that have a great love story with twists check out this book 



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